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Safety Delivered

Client: AIP Foundation  |  India
Project : Social Campaign
Year : 2022

Awareness Campaign, Art Direction, Social Content Production, Flyer Design

The Safety Delivered Project was targeted at young primary school children  in Mumbai, India. The material to educate the children needed to be easily digestible by them, so we opted for a cartoon based flyer and animated video.

We had to carefully design these cartoon characters that would voice these messages about helmet safety in a way that was relatable for the children. The flyer had creative activities and a comic strip to help the children learn. 

The social content was targeted towards the children's parents, to promote the importance of quality helmet use for them and communicate the very real facts and figures of the dangers of road safety.


A case study video about he project was also created with the same art direction. 

Animated Video : How To Choose The Right Helmet
Case Study Video
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